Finding Healing and Support: Boarding School Abuse Survivors in New York

In recent years,harrowing stories of abuse at boarding schools have come to light,shedding a long-overdue spotlight on the traumatic experiences that survivors endured. Many of these survivors,who are now adults,are grappling with the emotional scars left by their time at these institutions. In New York,there is hope and help available for those who have suffered from boarding school abuse. In this article,we’ll explore the support and resources available to survivors in the state.

New York State Office of Children and Family Services (OCFS)

The New York State Office of Children and Family Services (OCFS) is a crucial resource for survivors of child abuse. They offer a wide range of services designed to support survivors and their families. One of their most essential functions is providing assistance in reporting abuse cases,ensuring that survivors’ voices are heard,and the perpetrators are held accountable.

The OCFS website is a valuable source of information,featuring resources and guidelines for survivors and their families. If you need immediate assistance or want to report abuse,you can call the Child Abuse Hotline at 1-800-342-3720.

Safe Horizon

Safe Horizon is a non-profit organization dedicated to aiding victims of abuse and violence,including survivors of child abuse. Their mission is to provide support,resources,and advocacy to help survivors rebuild their lives. With a 24-hour hotline (1-800-621-HOPE),they are accessible around the clock,ensuring that survivors never have to face their challenges alone.

Safe Horizon’s website offers a wealth of information,including articles,self-help tools,and guides that can assist survivors in understanding their rights and navigating the healing process.

Rainbow of Hope

Rainbow of Hope is an organization that specializes in helping child abuse survivors regain control of their lives. They offer a comprehensive array of services,including counseling,education,and advocacy. Their focus on holistic healing ensures that survivors receive the support they need to recover emotionally and psychologically.

To learn more about Rainbow of Hope’s services or to seek assistance,you can visit their website at or call them at (212) 560-2693.

The New York Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NYSPCC)

The NYSPCC is committed to preventing child abuse and neglect,offering support to both survivors and families. They provide vital resources such as mental health support,family assistance,and child safety education. Their multidisciplinary approach aims to create a safe environment for survivors and prevent further abuse.

To access their services or learn more about their mission,visit their website at or contact them directly at (212) 233-5500.

Children’s Advocacy Centers (CACs) in New York

Children’s Advocacy Centers (CACs) play a pivotal role in providing a safe and child-friendly space for survivors and their families. They offer a range of support services and resources,including assistance in coordinating with law enforcement,child protective services,and medical providers. CACs aim to minimize the trauma experienced by survivors during the investigative process.

To find a CAC near you or learn more about their services,visit


Survivors of child abuse at boarding schools in New York have access to a network of resources and support organizations that are dedicated to helping them heal and seek justice. While this list highlights some of the key local resources,it is not exhaustive,and there may be other organizations in your area that can provide assistance.

It is crucial to remember that healing is a journey,and survivors should not hesitate to reach out for help. If you or someone you know is in immediate danger or needs urgent support,please contact your local authorities or the National Child Abuse Hotline at 1-800-4-A-CHILD (1-800-422-4453). If you feel you are in need of legal assistance,please contact Abuse Guardians in New York for a free consultation.

Boarding school abuse survivors in New York are not alone. There is hope,there is help,and there is a community of caring professionals and advocates ready to stand by their side as they embark on the path to healing and recovery.

Map of New York